In a first for Unexpected Environments, I'm sharing a post by another writer. Mark A. Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst at the Cornucopia Institute. The Cornucopia Institute supports strong organic labeling standards and calls out corporate agribusiness when they greenwash unethical farming practices and dilute the value of the USDA Organic certification.
I have enjoyed a virtually exclusive organic diet for the past 30 years. But I was deeply unsettled by a September 4 New York Times article and a similar Associated Press story casting doubt on the value of an organic diet.
terms of the extra cost and value of eating organically, I have always
subscribed to the adage "pay now or pay later." While my personal
experience does not provide much in terms of a scientifically legitimate
sample size, in the last 30 years, after suffering from pesticide
poisoning prompted my shift to an organic diet, I have exceeded my
insurance deductible only once, due to an orthopedic injury. And my
doctor keeps telling me how remarkable it is that I, at age 57, have no
chronic health problems and take no pharmaceuticals.
the analysis done by Stanford University physicians profiled in the
articles noted above did not look "outside the box," as many organic
farming and food advocates do.
discounted many of the studies, including by the USDA, that show our
conventional food supply's nutritional content has dropped precipitously
over the last 50 years. This has been attributed to the declining
health of our farms’ soil, and healthy soil leads to healthy food.
Organic farming’s core value is building soil fertility.
there are many externalities that impart risk on us as individuals and
as a society, which the physicians failed to look at. For example,
eating organic food protects us all from exposure to agrichemicals
contaminating our water and air.
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have become ubiquitous in
processed food with an estimated 80%-90% contaminated with patented
genes by Monsanto and other biotechnology corporations. The use of GMOs
is prohibited in organics.
there have been virtually no long-term studies on human health impacts
of ingesting GMOs, although many laboratory animal and livestock studies
have led to disturbing conclusions. The best way to operate using the
"precautionary principle," as European regulators mandate, is to eat a
certified organic diet.
research now indicates that some of Monsanto's genes are passing
through the placenta into human fetuses and into the bloodstreams of
adults and children. Organics is a way to prevent your children from
becoming human lab rats testing genetically engineered bovine growth
hormone (rBGH) or a myriad of other novel life forms.
researchers, cited in the recent press accounts, dismissed
statistically significant differences between agrichemical (pesticide,
herbicide, fungicide, etc.) contamination in conventional and organic
researchers might trust the FDA to set "safe" levels of toxic and
carcinogenic chemicals in the food we serve our families, but many
parents have decided to set a lower threshold—as close to zero as
possible. Even the doctors at Stanford confirm demonstrably lower
levels of pesticide contamination in organic food.
supporting this cautious approach, there is a growing body of
scientific literature that suggests it's not just the gross level of
toxic contamination that pesticides present but rather minute amounts of
these toxins can act as endocrine disruptors, or mimickers, sometimes
triggering catastrophic and lifelong abnormalities in fetuses and
developing children.
it worth experimenting with the health of future generations when we
know that there is a demonstrated safe alternative—organic food?
To illustrate the difference, researchers at the University of Washington published a paper in Environmental Health Perspectives
that documented a tremendous drop in organophosphate pesticide
contamination, in the urine of children, after just three days on an
organic diet. This is hard science that did sway the Stanford
investigation's conclusion.
have also recognized that we must take into consideration the
disproportionate quantities of food that children consume relative to
their body weight, especially of certain fruits and vegetables that have
been found to be highly contaminated with synthetic chemicals.
Furthermore, their study failed to look at the cumulative effects of
contamination in many different food items in one's diet. Again,
children, for developmental reasons, are especially at risk.
Both the New York Times and
AP stories did touch on a number of advantages, like lower levels of
contamination from antibiotic-resistant pathogens. But that was also
dismissed by stating that these could be "killed during cooking."
However, we know that inadequate cooking does take place, and
cross-contamination can easily occur in residential kitchens. So again,
I pose the question, how many potentially lethal, antibiotic-resistant
organisms do you want to bring into your home?
there is conflicting science on whether or not organic food is truly
nutritionally superior, there is no doubt that in terms of many
parameters, organic food is demonstrably safer.
will stick with the diet that concentrates on fresh, local, more
flavorful food that's produced without synthetic fertilizers,
pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and genetically modified organisms.
And I for one think I'm getting a good value for my own health, while at
the same time supporting good environmental stewardship and economic
justice for family farmers.
Mark A. Kastel
Senior Farm Policy Analyst
The Cornucopia Institute
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